June 14, 2014

[TRANS] 140614 Jun. K Hottest 5th Fan Chatting

A fanchatting to commemorate Jun. K's Korea Digital Single release was held today at 5PM KST where Jun. K chatted with 17 people of Hottest 5th at the fancafe for about 20 mins. The fanchat doc can be downloaded here (cr Me_jjang)

Below are some of the translations (not full chat) as requested by @Gladyzkhun

Minjun: Hello. This is Minjun. Nice to meet you euhahaha. I'm always touched by everyone's big love (he literally wrote big sarang, cute!) please give me big love (big sarang) ㅋㅋㅋ

A fan said she wants to see No Love Korean version performance and Minjun replied that he also wants to do it too ^^

A fan asked minjun that has he seen Taec's ex wife on Wonderful days? and he answered ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I dont know who it is XD

Then another fan said she thought Taec's ex wife in Wonderful Days was Minjun then he answered he was suprised too XD

They then talked about the ex wife then Minjun was like 'ex wife.. ex wife right?' then said 'anyway she's pretty right? I'm gonna be pretty too'

Minjun said he finished 2PM's song titled xxxxx xxx he's working on. Also said he already made 3 songs after getting back in kr :D

Fan asked when fans can hear that xxxxx xxx song but Minjun said he doesn't know yet he just made it and added that it's a track made in 2011 but he just made it with a new arrangement a few days ago ^^

A fan asked why minjun wears long sleeves in a such hot summer but minjun replied that's he's not wearing it tho haha. He added that he is wearing a track shirt (?). He said he wears pants now cuz he wore shorts all the time lol also wear sleeveless shirt, said that it exposed his shoulder XD

Fan asked what does he think when composing a song

Minjun: first of all, when I'm making cheerful songs, it will make my mood good somehow. I think it's crazy when I look forward to it. When making sad songs, I'll think about everything and be very sad and then I'll keep on bringing those emotions and do some efforts. If I dont have all these as reasons, then I think it wont work

Fan asked will minjun sing No Love at jypn concert and is there any plan on individual activities until the moment before the cb

Minjun answered: I dont really know. if not, it's not that urgent right, cuz the concert name itself is jyp so it can center about jypn all artists' joint performance

after that another fan asked will they sing girl group's song

minjun then called out that fan's username lol and answered they wont sing... girl group songs

A fan exited the chat room when she's supposed to ask a question so minjun's like ' (username)ㅠㅠㅠ exited.. really sadㅠㅠㅠㅠ she escaped'

A fan asked: 1. you'll be holding an Asia Tour but will there be any concert in Korea? 2. And you really like panda but... what is panda to oppa?

Minjun: 1. for asia tour, maybe we'll do it after the album comes out? We're preparing for it actually 2. rather than liking it, I came to know panda after being told that it resembles me. an interesting animal. it's fierce.be careful. there's a reason that it's not in the zoo

Fan: NO LOVE necklace was out right... (it's very pretty) you're preparing another product right? (looking forward >0<) and please tell if you have something you wish from korean fans in the future or something you're curious about

Minjun: I'm preparing for another product ㅋㅋㅋ

(then the earlier fan who left came back, Minjun said '(username) hi')

Minjun: (continued about the product) what will be good ... ah (another username) escaped... what should I design with no love (a fan answered bracelet) bracelet from silver? gold? iron? should I make silver bracelet or gold bracelet. so nobody wants iron bracelet ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (another fan said allergy, maybe to iron?) ah right allergy I have an allergy too

There's a fan who had her bday so Minjun said eumm.. happy bday.. let's say happy bday altogether whoaaaa congratulations

A fan asked what's minjun interest recently, beside music. Minjun: beside music... I'm really blank.. what is it.. I dont know what to say. For interest, to hang a blackout curtain ㅋㅋㅋ because I sleep after wearing sleeping mask everyday ㅋㅋ I'll hang a blackout curtain ㅋㅋㅋ

A fan asked can w fans expect minjun's korea solo con and is there any plan to perform a cute performance like with you in jypn concert? (she also said that seems like minjun's worn out of emotions (?) as an artist after working so hard in the first half year)

Minjun: I cant excatly say for jypn concert but there will be extremely many of special stages. please look forward to it. worn out of emotions as an artist ㅠㅠ you really know well ㅋㅋㅋ I will live up to your expectations. I'll improve more.

Minjun: To do music and to have my first solo is really meaningful in my life. And of course although I couldn't sing all the songs in Korean, I'm sincerely touched and thankful for the many staff who gave such a good opportunitu to me, to those who wait for me, and to those who loves my music. I think I'll have to work even harder.

(Fans were asking for his selca and minjun said: I'm wearing make up for schedule tho, should I upload a selca? kkk but I'm just wearing a light make up)

and although it's not a formal solo, NO LOVE Korean ver was released and I'm thankful because everyone give lots of love to it. I'm happy, my chest hursts and it's hard when I saw the comments. But I will show myself more and return everything to everyone who believe and support me. Thank you for giving a great love. I wont hurt seeing your comments ㅎㅎ I'll just work hard. Please look forward to it~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ And also thank you for giving your time on such weekend today, saturday is weekend right. Thank you for giving your time this weekend. Everyone I'm going. (fans giving wishes) Yes. I love you ? heuheuheuheu ^-^ Yes everyone have a fresh summer. I love you. Be healthy. I will go eat. Everyone also go have a meal. Dont eat ramyeonㅋㅋ . Yes. I luv you. Bye. My schedule now endedㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋBye ^-^ Annyeong. My love. Everyone bye. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Really sad have to leave now. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (everyone said dont go) Dont go dont go /gajima gajima. Bye ㅋㅋ Annyeong.

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